story of the doppelganger vampire diaries
This would explain why she wouldn't have known about Amara and the origin of the doppelgangers. Things shake up in Mystic Falls with Anastasia in the picture; a girl that plays by her own rules. On their wedding day, Qetsiyah discovered that Silas took the cure and gave the other dose to his real true love, Qetsiyah's handmaiden, Amara. They were naturally occurring mystical beings, but they were susceptible to magic, such as compulsion and spells. Therefore, nature found a way to restore the balance by creating doppelgangers. This is the story of Elena's twin; Anastasia Gilbert, who is the complete opposite of her twin from her looks to her personality. It premiered on September 10, 2009, on The CW and received the highest ratings for a series premiere in the networks history scoring 4.91 … This page is dedicated to her character in Taylor Manton's Season 5. Nature created doppelgangers to restore the balance disrupted by Qetsiyah's and Silas' immortality spell, and witches parlayed the existence of doppelgangers into a way to punish the Travelers for Silas' and Qetsiyah's actions. Season 5 established a strong connection between male and female doppelgangers: they were fated to find each other and fall in love. Warning: Unbeta. Welcome to the world of The Vampire Diaries.The popular supernatural drama featured a love triangle between two immortal brothers and one beautiful human teen girl, and the … One of them is all the city-wide parties and events that go on during the show that always lead to some intense vampire … The Doppelganger mythology is at the heart of The Vampire Diaries and is ultimately the reason for the events of these characters. Following the reign of dark brown hair and doe brown eyes, is … They were Amara's and Silas' shadow selves - living, breathing exact replicants who could die in place of the immortals. Her parents had died a little over a year ago, her aunt had become her and Jeremy's guardian, her best friend had been turned into a vampire, and her other best friend found out she was a witch. Related: Why Stefan Died In The Vampire Diaries. In 1492 Katherine met Klaus. Just as Amara was the progenitor of the Petrova line of doppelgangers, Silas had a doppelganger bloodline of his own - the Salvatores. Enjoy~ :3. Of course this story will … However, trouble is brewing in Mystic Falls once the Salvatore brothers arrive. Showing all 6 items Jump to: Summaries (5) Synopsis (1) ... As Elena, a doppelganger sharing a striking resemblance to Katherine Pierce (the love interest of Salvatore brothers Stefan and Damon), suffers from the death of her parents, she starts to think that she will never be happy again. Stefan came face to face with Silas, who revealed that Stefan was Silas' shadow self. During the series finale, Stefan sacrificed himself to kill Katherine and save Mystic Falls, leaving Elena as the sole surviving doppelganger. Here's the story you might not know about the series. Katherine's daughter established the ancestral link between herself and Elena, but Katherine's knowledge of doppelgangers was limited. Doppelgangers remained an integral part of multiple story arcs moving forward in the series. Klaus and Elijah revealed Esther killed Tatia and used her blood to turn them. Season 5 introduced the last known doppelganger, Tom Avery. I'm Deaf. Damon stabbed Katherine, and Enzo St. John killed the other mortal doppelganger, Tom. In the First Century BCE, there existed powerful witches known as Travelers. It does not mat… However, Silas stole the immortality elixir and used it on himself and his lover, Amara, who was Qetsiyah's handmaiden, so that the two could be togethe… It will be Damon/OC but with some Elijah/OC as well for obvious reasons (it's just unavoidable). When Stefan shuts his humanity off after being blackmailed by Klaus, Damon is … Booba will soon unveil the release date of his Ultra album! 245. The Vampire Diaries is an American supernatural horror romance television series created by Kevin Williamson based on the novels of the same name by author L. J. Smith.It was officially picked up for the 2009–10 season on May 19, 2009. The Doppelganger mythology is at the heart of The Vampire Diaries and is ultimately the reason for the events of these characters. While Elena's hair is straighten, Alyssa's hair is curly. report. Follow/Fav The Doppelgänger Diaries. According to tonight's episode the doppelganger appears in the patrova bloodline because the sacrifice of the doppelganger will release the curse cast on vampires and werewolves since patrova blood was used to create the curse. STORY: 'Vampire Diaries' Recap: The Impossible Kill. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. “I am a vampire and this is my story.” “I … Fanfiction Fantasy Vampires Vampire Diaries Gemini ... Cecily Damon Stefan Elena Klaus Gilbert Salvatore Doppelganger Originals Mikael Niklaus Mikaelson Cecily Gemini or Cissy Salvatore better know to her friends, is the mysterious housemate of the Salvatore brother, with immense power, knowledge of the past and seeming dislike of vampires. But despite the fact that doppelgangers were so essential to the series, there are many aspects that just don’t make sense. First and foremost, Stefan was always a vampire - a "Ripper. Vampire Diaries star Ian Somerhalder has shared a rather unusual anecdote about his celebrity doppelgänger Rob Lowe.. Somag News is an online international news platform that founded in 2019 with a dynamic news team.Our news team includes reporters that has a speciality in different fields from each other. Soon after, a hot new student shows up, Stefan Salvatore, … Initially, it seemed like it was at most a 500-year interval, but Stefan’s birth in the mid-19th century makes it seem like they are more likely to be born every 150 years. Katherine was also a descendent of the Travelers, but her father turned his back on the outcast witches and their magic. Perhaps the white oak was the only escape nature needed when it came to the Mikaelsons from The Vampire Diaries, but what is quite confusing is that if doppelgangers exist because Amara and Silas are true immortals. The two most powerful of these Travelers were Silas and Qetsiyah. If doppelgangers crop up as often as it seems, why didn’t Katherine find one before Elena? After Klaus became a vampire, he triggered his werewolf side, so after Tatia's death, Esther used Tatia's blood to prevent Klaus from turning. The Travelers' plan to defeat the witches rested on the blood of the last two doppelgangers. hide. Elena went searching for answers which weren't immediately forthcoming. Tatia lived in the same village as the Mikaelsons - a Viking named Mikael, his wife Esther, a witch, and their six children. By: njeha. "Vampire Diaries" c'est fini. Stefan (The Forgotten Main Character) I feel like the writers forgot that Stefan was the true main character and this was supposed to be his story. Klaus needed human doppelganger blood to complete the ritual to undo Esther's spell. L'ultime épisode, diffusé vendredi sur la CW, n'a pas déçu. She and her aunt had been used in a sacrifice to undo a curse on Klaus, one of the oldest vampires in history. But why are they so hard to find in The Vampire Diaries? It's her blood that Klaus’ mother, Esther, uses to turn her children and husband, Mikaelson, into the first vampires. Qetsiyah, one of the most powerful witches and member of very gifted people called the Travelers, created a spell for immortality with the intention that she and Silas would drink it together at their wedding. Katherine used Isobel to gain access to information about Elena, who she planned to hand over to Klaus as a peace offering for fleeing a half-century earlier. So, this is going to be a story about an OC, taking Tatia Petrova's place and appearance - though the story will begin in 1864 and then move to Canon time. Started a lil book for vampire diaries characters. Everyone knows the story of Elena Gilbert. The series canon didn't support the assertion that there were more than five doppelgangers. Stefan's relationship with Silas was as antagonistic as Elena's was with Katherine. Jennifer has been working as a freelance writer for eight years, contributing to BuddyTV, TVRage, Hidden Remote, Gossip On This, and PopMatters. MORE: Every Vampire Diaries & Originals Character Who Returned In Legacies. share. Of all the doppelgangers, Tom was the least significant. For all intents and purposes, doppelgangers are human. hybrid, klaussmikaelson, supernatural. Tatia is the first known doppelganger of Amara. Dalia Petrova is a character based on the Wattpad Story The Unknown Doppelganger: … On The Vampire Diaries, doppelgangers are central to the mythology and key to ongoing storylines, so who are they and where did they come from? They wanted their love to be eternal, so they concocted an elixir that would make them immortal. TV Shows Vampire Diaries. Just Ocs. OnePlus 8 commercial with Robert Downey Jr. aired (Video). Since The Vampire Diaries is set in a small town in Virginia, the show includes a lot of things that really give the show's setting a small, historical town feeling. ASL is my first. He revealed they were drawn together because of magic. Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert (season 1–6; guest season 8), a young orphan who falls in love with vampire Stefan Salvatore and later his brother, Damon, creating a love triangle. Clearly Silas and Amara weren’t “true immortals” either because the cure existed, so why did they have doppelgangers and the Originals not in The Vampire Diaries? She lived in America during the 11th century and was a contemporary of the Mikaelson Family. Tatia Salvatore is an existing character in The Vampire Diaries. The Petrova and Salvatore bloodlines would continue with Damon and Elena's children, but doppelgangers would become extinct. Before the Mikaelson brothers, she was married to an unnamed Viking warrior with whom she had a child. If you've ever found yourself shaking your head at the whole Whitmore College storyline of the hit CW show, The Vampire Diaries, then you have come to the right place. During season 5, both Amara and Silas drank the cure for immortality, and they died putting an end to the doppelganger saga. The season 4 finale of The Vampire Diaries, fans learned Elena and Katherine weren't the only doppelgangers. Though there could have been other doppelgangers, Tatia is the first-known Petrova doppelganger, whose viking husband died, leaving her as a single mother in the 10th century AD. Qetsiyah's and Silas' actions had far-reaching consequences since immortality upset the balance of nature. Characters from the original cast who died in The Originals. They're supposed to be sworn enemies, and the Doppelganger before them wants to make their life a living hell." Plot holes render the doppelganger story pointless. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Tyler had … Isobel viewed Elena as nothing more than a biological curiosity. Isobel believed it was out of genetic curiosity. As a naturally occurring, mystical being, Elena's blood (and that of all doppelgangers) contained power that, when compounded with magic, could create spells such as the ones Esther concocted to try and kill her children during season 3, or Qetsiyah's attempt to complete the Anchor swap. Posted by 5 days ago. Nadia never mentioned having children, but since Klaus killed Katherine's entire family, there was nobody else to keep the bloodline going except for Nadia's offspring. The two most powerful of these Travelers … However, trouble is brewing in Mystic Falls once the Salvatore brothers arrive. Related: The Vampire Diaries: 10 Characters Who … The Vampire Diaries Doppelgangers would have to be found by someone like Klaus but someone with supernatural abilities or just basic common sense could follow the bloodline if interested. Discussion . TV Shows Vampire Diaries. You have entered an incorrect email address! In the season four episode "Graduation," Katherine visited Elena and Elena gave her the cure. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Plot holes render the doppelganger story pointless, Daryl will murder Maggie for the next season, Support for XRP Spark Token Airdrop from Exchanges, Why the producers decided not to murder Carol, Lili Reinhart reveals her character’s personality change, How they really brought Patrick Dempsey back to the show, League of Graphs: how to see runes and LoL stats, This is the new design of Google searches for mobile, How to restore Google Play Store connection, How to put a wallpaper with several photos on your mobile, Cyberpunk 2077 offers multiple performance, 5 games to download for free or try this weekend on PS5. After Katherine gave birth to an illegitimate daughter in 1490, Katherine's father banished the Bulgarian beauty to England. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. save. It’s not entirely incomprehensible that doppelganger blood is a powerful magical tool, but in many ways it’s difficult to understand in The Vampire Diaries. While Katherine hated Elena, she was friends with Elena's mother, Isobel Flemming. Doppelgängers are replaced once the current is in need one, so 16 years after Elena became a vampire, a new Petrova Doppelgänger is born. Katherine Pierce (whose birth name is Katerina Petrova) is incredibly jealous of Elena and becomes an evil force in her life. The latter told Elena during season 1's "Isobel" that Katherine sought her out not long after she turned into a vampire. En France, les deux premières saisons de la série ont été diffusées entre le 29 août 2010 et le 28 octobre 2011 sur la chaîne d… The series established all Petrova doppelgangers were Amara's descendants even if it didn't always clearly connect the dots, such as to how the bloodline remained intact over multiple generations. Elle a été diffusée du 10 septembre 2009 au 10 mars 2017 sur The CW aux États-Unis et en simultané sur CTV Two au Canada. Katherine and Elena were the first doppelgangers introduced on the show, but they weren't the last. RELATED: Vampire Diaries: When The Originals & Legacies Are Set In The Timeline. Much in the same way that The Vampire Diaries introduced vampirism as a plague and made the ability to transform into a werewolf a genetic curse, the series created its own origin story for doppelgangers and gave them a singular supernatural purpose. She is … Thursday, the new episode of The Vampire Diaries continues its foray into Klaus-less territory with the second episode of Season 5, "True Lies." Since Elena was a Petrova descendent, that meant her mother Isobel was as well. A one-stop shop for all things video games. WandaVision: What Was Herb Trying To Tell Vision? Much in the same way that The Vampire Diaries introduced vampirism as a plague and made the ability to transform into a werewolf a genetic curse, the series created its own origin story for doppelgangers and gave them a singular supernatural purpose. This is the story of Elena's twin; Anastasia Gilbert, who is the complete opposite of her twin from her looks to her personality. On débriefe. Two of the Mikaelson sons Klaus and Elijah, fell in love with Tatia. Superman & Lois Trailer Breakdown: Biggest Story Reveals & Hints, All 5 Doppelgangers In The Vampire Diaries Explained, Elena Gilbert fell in love with Stefan Salvatore, Vampire Diaries: When The Originals & Legacies Are Set In The Timeline, Katherine gave birth to an illegitimate daughter in 1490, Vampire Diaries: Why Steven McQueen's Jeremy Left In Season 6, Katherine's daughter established the ancestral link, Why Vampire Movies & TV Shows Stopped Being So Popular, Every Vampire Diaries & Originals Character Who Returned In Legacies, WandaVision Ending Is A Full MCU Action Movie, Here's What JLo Said In Spanish During Her Inauguration Song, Saved By the Bell Reboot Renewed for Season 2, WandaVision's Debra Jo Rupp Was Happy To Skip The 70s Episode, Seinfeld Parody Video Reimagines the TV Show as a Horror Movie, Kenneth Branagh to Play UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Limited Series, WandaVision Episode 3 Has One Of Kevin Smith's Favorite Marvel Scenes, Why Walker Is Disappointing For The Original Texas Ranger Fans, Carole Baskin Thinks Her Missing Husband Suffers From Memory Loss (If He’s Alive), Armor Wars Fan Posters Bring Jon Bernthal’s Punisher Into MCU Show, Larry King, Legendary Talk Show Host, Dies at 87, Lupin: Assane Smelling His Father's Gloves Is Secretly Heartbreaking. 15 comments. And … Elijah, a new vampire and unable to control his thirst, killed Tatia. After Qetsiyah learned Silas made Amara immortal, she created an antidote. Katherine used the information to turn herself into a vampire, knowing this would render her useless to him. Qetsiyah told Damon that during the centuries she was trapped on the Other Side, she watched "destiny trying to get the doppelgangers together forever." Related: Vampire Diaries: Why Steven McQueen's Jeremy Left In Season 6, Klaus and Elijah created the legend of the Sun and Moon Curse to locate the next doppelganger, but if Klaus knew she would be a Petrova descendant, it didn't make sense for him to murder Katherine's entire family effectively ending the bloodline (He also appeared not to know about Katherine's daughter.). ", Related: Why Vampire Movies & TV Shows Stopped Being So Popular. Season 2 of The Originals revealed the truth about Tatia, who willingly gave her blood to Esther, unaware of Esther's intentions. She had dated a vampire and his brother was also in love with her. Upon his … Being part of a doppelganger bloodline didn't impact him in the same way it did the Petrova doppelgangers. She was married to … Season 5 focused heavily on the consequences of the Amara-Qetsiyah-Silas love triangle. After Elena Gilbert fell in love with Stefan Salvatore during season 1, she discovered she bore an uncanny resemblance to his ex: a 500-year-old-vampire named Katherine Pierce, aka "Katerina Petrova." It was the original story of two brothers loving the same Petrova woman. Katherine questioned Klaus' romantic interest in her, and she learned from someone in Klaus' inner circle his true intentions: to use her doppelganger blood to suppress his werewolf side. She prefers binge-watching old episodes of The Office (British and American versions) to long walks on the beach. *flip my hair dramatically but ended up hit my face* I don't own Vampire Diaries nor the Originals. Tatia was Amara's first doppelganger and lived at the same time as the Mikaelsons where Mystic Falls would be. While appearing on the Kelly Clarkson Show to … Klaus and Elijah told Damon and Stefan Salvatore about Tatia during season 3, recalling the "allure of the Petrova doppelganger." In Dobrev's case, she played Elena as well as Elena's doppelganger, Katherine. Tatia (1st Petrova Doppelgänger): Tatia was born during the 10th century AD and lived in what would be the United States during the 10th century and was a contemporary of the Mikaelson Family. Tatia is first mentioned by Rebekah, though not by name, when she comments humorously that the original Petrova doppelganger was much pretti… The Travelers learned of Tom's existence and dispatched Caroline Forbes and Enzo St. John to kill him. 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In The Vampire Diaries it makes sense that something like the spell to make the original vampires use doppelganger blood, but it is strange that it appears to be an extraordinary mystical ingredient that reinforces the power of any magic or spell. During season 3, Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson mentioned the first Petrova doppelganger, Tatia. The phenomenon of the shadow-self occurs to counterbalance a disruption to Nature's law that all living things must die. Amara had no children, so Tatia was linked to Amara though a child of one of Amara's siblings. After the youngest Mikaelson, Henrik was killed by a werewolf, Esther and Mikael decided to cast a spell making their children the first vampires, the Originals. Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. She's still holding out hope that Happy Endings will get a revival. And … Unfortunately, the link between Isobel and Katherine was unclear. 236. Lycanthropy is an inherited genetic condition, and a person can only be a werewolf if they are born to at least one werewolf parent; they cannot be turned by bite or scratch as is commonly believed in folklore. Read 1 from the story Original Doppelgänger (Vampire Diaries) (Elena/Klaus) by Woolley119 with 78 reads. The season 4 finale ended with the revelation that Stefan was also a doppelganger. Doppelgangers were a loophole, but they were created for a larger purpose. 1 Tatia Salvatore 2 Early Life 3 The Vampire Diaries (Taylor Manton's) 3.1 Season 5 3.2 Season 6 4 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 6 The Vampire Diaries Wiki Tatia is an Original Vampire and has existed for over 1000 years. 8:14 p.m.: Silas wants Amara to die now. And, given that Stefan and Elena were the leading characters of the series from the start, the show could have just as easily been titled The Doppelganger Diaries all things considered. Although the show is titled The Vampire Diaries, the long-running CW series incorporated many other different kinds of supernatural creatures. But despite the fact that doppelgangers were so essential to the series, there are many aspects that just don’t make sense. The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017) Plot. Things shake up in Mystic Falls with Anastasia in the picture; a girl that plays by her own rules. In The Vampire Diaries, Katherine knew what to look for and finding a doppelganger for Klaus was life or death for her. Her blood could also be used to undo the magic, such as the Sun and Moon Curse. The first Petrova doppelganger was Tatia, who lived during the late 10th/early 11th century. 1/2. The Vampire Diaries became a major hit, but it wasn't all sunshine rings and crows for this show. Follow/Fav The Doppelgänger Diaries. Some spells required human doppelganger blood, and others did not, although Elena's blood was more sought after commodity before she became a vampire. You'll see as the story goes on. 'Diaries' exec teases doppelganger story The Vampire Diaries' executive producer says he is not sure how the doppelganger plot will end. Elena, Tatia, Katherine, Stefan, and Tom were all descendants of Amara and Silas. When she met Elijah and Niklaus, they both fell in love with her. When Katherine's daughter Nadia Petrova, arrived in Mystic Falls during season 5, she revealed she became a vampire so that she could track down Katherine: a task that required time, skills, and resources Nadia didn't possess as a human. But what if she had a twin sister who is not different from her?Alyssa Gilbert is older than Elena for just few minute and has more resemblance to Katherine. Katherine understood doppelganger blood was used to suppress Klaus' werewolf side, but she told Elena during season 2's "Katerina" that a doppelganger was also a loophole: one created to undo the spell. The OC - whose name will be Sofia Petrova and Sophia Pierce, will end up in the tomb, unlike Katherine. Tatia's child survived to continue the Petrova bloodline. Like Tatia and Katherine before her, Elena was also involved in a love triangle between two brothers, and she suffered personal tragedy resulting from her connection with the Mikaelsons. Vampire Diaries, ou Journal d'un vampire au Québec, (The Vampire Diaries) est une série télévisée américaine développée par Julie Plec et Kevin Williamson. English is my second language. The series never addressed the plot hole. RELATED: The Vampire Diaries: Why Klaus Comes After Elena. By: njeha. If this was taken literally, Tom would have been the last (as in most recent having been born after Stefan), meaning the Travelers would have considered him indispensable. Season 2 provided more insight into the doppelganger phenomenon, but not the full story. Given Isobel made it her life's work to study the supernatural, her lack of understanding of doppelgangers was surprising, particularly since she was a descendent of Amara's. Furthermore, the werewolf gene must be \"triggered\" by taking the life of a human, either intentionally or by accident, in order to gain access to their enhanced physical abilities, though this comes at the cost of transforming into a wolf during every full moon. If it was the last pair, then his death was the only way for the Travelers to succeed. If a vampire breaks the curse than vampires will be freed but not werewolves and vice versa.What is a doppelganger in the vampire diaries? On The Vampire Diaries, the mystery surrounding doppelgangers and their connection to the supernatural world took five seasons to unravel, and these magical beings shared more than physical similarities.
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